Project: StudyBananas


Hello, my name is Ngo Duc Binh. At the time of this project (AY20/21 Semester 1), I was a Year 2 Computer Science undergraduate at National University of Singapore. I am a software developer in Team StudyBananas. We worked together to create this wonderful study companion app, StudyBananas. We are really passionate about this project, so we hope that you will enjoy this product as much as we do.

You can find out more about who I am at this link:

PROJECT: StudyBananas

StudyBananas is a desktop study companion app that helps students to centralize all their study tasks into one place with the schedule system and the flashcard-quizzes feature to increase the efficiency of the study session. It is CLI-optimized while still retains the benefits of GUI, which is created with JavaFX. It is written in Java and is primarily morphed from AddressBook3 application created by the CS2103T Teaching Team.

Summary of Contributions:

Given below are my contributions to the project (to be updated).

  • Code contributed:
    You can view my code contributions to this projects on RepoSense.
  • Enhancements implemented:
    • Implemented the Model component for SCHEDULE
      • What it does:
        Represents the TASK objects that can be created by the user and the SCHEDULE as a collection of TASKs that the user has.
    • Implemented and enhanced the Logic component for SCHEDULE (with Eddy)
      • What it does:
        Allows users to use the commands implemented to interact with StudyBananas to achieve different usages they want to do with the SCHEDULE feature of StudyBananas

      • Highlights:
        The implementation of the Logic for Schedule reuses a big portion of the available APIs from AddressBook3. As a result, we had to trace and read through the original implementation of AddressBook3 so that we could understand and reuse the available APIs of AddressBook3 to simplify our work.

    • Testing: Implemented JUnit testing for Logic and SCHEDULE (with Eddy)
      • What it does:
        Creates unit tests to ensure that we handle different possible bugs and errors arose from Logic component and SCHEDULE system.

      • Highlights:
        I added JUnit tests for SCHEDULE’s model, storage and some of the logic, commands components while Eddy added for SCHEDULE’s parsers and commands. We both learnt the lesson that coming up with valid, relevant and sufficient test cases is difficult and it is better to write test cases along with the implementation of features instead of leaving all the testing at the end.

    • Implemented the GUI for QUIZ (with Bowei, Petrick)
      • What it does:
        We revamped the original GUI (ListView and CommandBox) of AddressBook3 to fit the purpose of a QUIZ page and the intended usage from the user, which primarily contains a QuizCard that displays the question, its respective answer of the flashcard and next command instruction.

      • Highlights:
        Originally, each of us use a different way to integrate the styling to the page. Some of us used css file, some used the style property of each component in the fxml files while some set the style itself in the java file. Because of this difference, we were not aware of the subtle differences in the final style as some of the style overwrote each other in a hierarchical order. It took us awhile to realise the problem, we then resolved this by agreeing to use fxml style property on each component, coupling with the css styling for the part of the style that is not specified the fxml style property.

    • Enhanced the CommandResult class to follow the Logic execution of QUIZ
      • What it does:
        The question, answer and instruction provided to the user by StudyBananas are actually feedbackToUser in the original AddressBook3. With the enhanced CommandResult, the question, corresponding saved answer in the flashcard and the correct next command instruction are displayed to the user to enhance the user’s experience.
      • Justification:
        With the original implementation CommandResult only shows the feedbackToUser string after a specific command is executed. Thus, the question of the QUIZ is only shown after the StartQuizCommand is executed, and it would disappear when user enters the answer to the question, by executing either FlipCommand or AnswerCommand (which only contains answer as the feedbackToUser string and there is no information about the current question). Our team found this would bring a bad experience to the intended users as it would be intuitive to view the question, their input answer and the correct answer together for revision.
      • Highlights:
        In order to overcome this problem, QuizCard (Ui components that displays the QUIZ object) needs to have the information of what is the current question to be displayed to the user. I created a new class QuizCommandResult extending from CommandResult. QuizCommandResult has the current QUIZ model object as an attribute, which can be accessed and get the corresponding current question and set that question object to QuizCard so that it can display the current question to the user.
  • Contributions to team-based tasks:
    • Managed overall team workflow.
    • Managed and reviewed PRs by team members before merging to the team repo.
    • Update the overview introduction and target audience of the User Guide.
  • Contributions to User Guide:
    Sections Written:
  • Contributions to Developer Guide:
    Sections Written:
